Let’s save the house!
Be a part of our wonderful legacy.

The Delta Eta Chapter House – Photographer Unknown.
The Legacy of Delta Eta:
Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future
Delta Eta's history is deeply connected with Nebraska and Sigma Nu. Generations of brothers have left their mark, and their presence still resonates today.
Our focus has shifted to creating a professional organization, connecting new brothers with our legacy. This fraternity was a cornerstone of our lives, the bond that has helped us thrive. Our generation faces unique challenges in a global world, making commitment difficult. Yet, the reward of being part of a lasting legacy is worth it.
First and foremost, our chapter house needs extensive remodeling that is going to require extensive funds. We ask that you keep the momentum going as we raise these funds, pledging what you can to ensure that the house is preserved for future generations of brothers.
Secondly, we ask for your commitment to rebuild alumni relations and create a professional organization that will manage what we have worked so hard to rebuild. We would like to populate our several committees with brothers young and old, creating leadership opportunities and ways in which brothers can give back with their time with just an hour or two commitment every other month.
Together, we can turn Delta Eta into the powerhouse it once was, nurturing new brothers and honoring our legacy through the rebuilding of our house and its alumni involvement and leadership.
Let's make this vision a reality together.