Brothers of Delta Eta –

Most of the last decade has been challenging for Sigma Nu’s Delta Eta Chapter. Thanks in large part to a handful of dedicated alumni, the momentum has shifted. Here is a brief recap of significant events:

  • January 2014 – Delta Eta Chapter suspended by UNL and the National Fraternity Office
    • The Chapter house at 625 N. 16th condemned due to several dozen alleged fire code/criminal violations. The Chapter House has remained unoccupied since.
    • The Sigma Nu Housing Corporation of Nebraska (the “Housing Corp”) resolved all but a handful of the criminal charges, and then paid a modest fine to resolve the rest.
  • Fall 2016 – The Housing Corp and Sigma Nu National Fraternity reached an agreement to begin the multi-year process to re-charter Delta Eta Chapter.
  • Fall 2019 – After three-years of hard work, the Delta Eta Chapter applied for re-chartering with the National Fraternity. (We all owe a debt of gratitude to Kyle Fischer, Delta Eta 1615 for his tireless work as Chapter Advisor during this period.
  • January 2020 – The National Fraternity approved Delta Eta’s Petition for Charter.
  • February 8, 2020 – Sigma Nu’s Delta Eta Chapter officially returned to ACTIVE status. That same day, Delta Eta Chapter initiated more than 40 men.
  • May 2020 to May 2024 – Delta Eta Chapter has initiated 60 more men into its ranks. It has also excelled in academics, on and off campus philanthropy and activities, and intramural athletics.
  • TODAY – The Delta Eta Chapter is struggling to compete due to its lack of on-campus housing. If a physical presence is not established at 625 N. 16th Street – The Fraternity will be forced into dormancy and more than 100-years of legacy will be lost.

In short, Delta Eta Chapter has come a long way since it lost its charter some eight years ago. If we are unable to renovate the Historic Chapter House, the Delta Eta Chapter will be lost forever. The young men at UNL who went through the arduous journey to restore the Charter laid the groundwork for five-years of prosperity. But those efforts will go to waste if we can’t move to the next phase.


After the City of Lincoln condemned the Chapter House, the Housing Corp took steps to make it water-tight and secure, but time, college kids with a penchant for vandalism, and Mother Nature have worked to wear-down and deteriorate the property. The Chapter House is in very bad shape.

A full renovation project is estimated at more than $5M dollars today. We believe we can work in phases, based on the dollars raised, to renovate and reoccupy at least a portion of the house. This would allow the Chapter the best chance of surviving long term.

We are all in this together. The fate of the Delta Eta Chapter is still unknown. YOU can make a difference. All we are asking is for each Alumni member to ask themselves if their experience in Sigma Nu has shaped their life in some way today. Has it made a difference in who you are? If so, we just ask you to give everything you can to allow this Chapter to make a difference in another young man’s life some day.

Sincerely, and with Love, Truth and Honor, the members of the Delta Eta Sigma Nu Alumni Housing Corporation,